

ARt & Technology Collective
A technology & Art Collective designing new artistic realities through social experiments in art.

ntent is a creative belief fueled by the curiosity to understand what creates and preserves culture and how it's made accessible to everyone.

pillars of ntent


i. accessibility
love > hate. inclusion > exclusion. diversity > boring sameness.

The art industry has always been gatekeeped, accessible only to a few, We're providing a platform to empower artistic communities by making art culturally accessible through technology and experiences.

ntent is a safe space with respect for all colors, sexual orientations, abilities, origins, & life.

ii. sustainability
It is our responsibility as members of human society cohabitating on this, our only earth, with millions of other life forms, to exist harmoniously.

This means that we must never take more than we need. We must always give more than we take. We must honor the world's natural systems by protecting and nurturing them. We must put life before profits.

The earth is not at risk of dying; we are. So, we all must act with *ntent to create a better world physically, mentally, and spiritually.

impact report

^ is committed to at least a 200% carbon-negative blockchain footprint. Our cloud properties are 100% carbon-neutral, and we've retired over 600% of our carbon emissions on proof-of-work blockchains totaling 525 tonnes of C02. We've planted over 2500 trees as part of our reforestation initiatives. And we've added over 4 ETH to our Sustainability Investment Fund (NSIF).

Ukraine Support Effort


jiwa's f*ck putin collection raised a total of ~$7800 to support Ukraine relief, donated to UkraineDAO.eth

Minimum One Tree Initiative


Minimum One Tree per mint is the ntent collective's reforestation initiative, dedicated to planting at a minimum, one tree per token purchased at mint. 🌳

Sustainability Investment Fund


The Sustainability Investment Fund (NSIF) will be used to fund projects fighting climate change across several sectors: 

>carbon-sequestration technologies
>regenerative agriculture
>reforestation projects
>novel renewable energy production
>indigenous-led eco-protection projects and land buy backs

The fund will transition to a DAO with governance controlled by artists/partners proven positive track records on blockchain sustainability. 🌱

What is a curated art drop?


A curated art drop is a collection of art powered by [technology] and produced by an approved artist or group of artists seen to be pushing the boundaries of art with advanced implementations of blockchain technology in the fields of generative, dynamic, or multimedia art.

n30 v|ta was the first ever generative animated photography NFT collection and the second generative photography NFT collection on the blockchain after Delectables by Foodmasku.

d!ss|pat!on is a generative art collection, generated at mint using, and combines deterministic and interactive attributes with a fully responsive interface.
Moment After is a participatory 1-of-1 piece that was the first to combine Generative code, performance art, and multimedia art with over 600 audience participation inputs to influence the final 6-hour NFT. 

What is the collective's relationship to the technology?


The collective is made up of artists and technologists that work on and within the technology, extensively developing unique protocol integration use cases and testing them through curated art drops and live art experiences. Thus further building the capabilities of the technology.

What is a live art experience?


A live art experience is a physical (IRL) event that features the use of advanced blockchain technology primitives built into the platform to produce art in real-time. The latter is paired with immersive and/or live minting experiences, usually in a participatory fashion allowing the audience to influence the final output of either or both of a 1-of-1 piece or curated collection.

Moment After
Friends of the Artist [Art Experiences]

You speak about inclusion but what does that mean?


For us, inclusion is a way of living. It means understanding the social constructs and institutional marginalization of communities that exist within our society to our best ability. Then doing what is necessary to research, be active in the community, receive and seek feedback, and co-participate with communities to develop systems that oppose marginalization and incentivize inclusion.

Our collective goals are to:

°Seek diversity in our members and partners.
°Provide fair and equitable compensation.
°Provide a safe and constructive environment internally and externally.
°Always listen and respond with compassion and understanding to the community's needs collectively and individually.
°Be a voice and example in the industry for inclusion and diversity.

We actively seek beyond our network into all communities to find the best possible partners and collaborators indifferent of age, sex, ethnicity, religion, ability, or sexual orientation.

You speak on sustainability but what does that mean?


On September 15th 2022, the Ethereum network switched from the Proof of Work (POW) consensus mechanism to Proof of Stake (POS) consensus mechanism and reduced energy consumption on the network by 99.95%

To learn more about our sustainability efforts please check out our impact page.

Still have questions? Email us at